This is a comprehensive approach to specific aspects of learning aim B and learning aim C. Includes a creative worksheet and corresponding power point. Can be adapted and used over a number of lessons with some themes expanded or over two lessons. Includes:
Power Point x 1 - Unit 19 - P3
Worksheet x 1 - Unit 19 - P3
Power Point x 1 - Learning Aim C
Worksheet x 1 - Learning Aim C
A very creative approach to reviewing the very sensitive topic of safeguarding. Can be used after midterm breaks , at the end of a unit or when transforming from one unit to another. Based on the QCF Specification, but easily adapted to meet elements of NQF Health and Social Unit 7
Two resources suitable for Beauty Therapy, Complementary Therapy, Health and Social Care & Enrichment Activities. The first resource gives key terminology such as emulsifiers and emulsions and ultimately is a practical activity of how to make creams. The second resource is the origins of aromatherapy and covers a number of essential oils.
This resource is a 13 page booklet which contains a wide range of information on aromatherapy treatments and the differences between allopathic and complementary health. It has been designed to use the information element to transport into presentation format. There are a wide range of activities some of which compare treatments for different ailments including orthodox and aromatherapy treatments. Can be used for beauty therapy, complementary health, health and social care, NHS workshops, enrichment activities. Can be used with Ayannawa’s complementary health slides.
Can be used for the purpose of classroom flexible topics covers those including promote positive behaviour, safeguarding, challenging behaviour, care standards, legislation. Useful for health and social care courses, Access courses and useful as a training tool for care services or apprenticeships. A useful tool for those who are delivering training to workers in care environments.